August 21, 2021
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Self-control is a key part of being Proactive. We must learn to take control of our actions. By doing so we are better equipped to handle the challenges that life throws at us. This is also a needed trait of a leader. They are someone who can handle when challenges are thrown at them at then remain calm and composed so that they are able to lead others.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
If you do not have an image in your mind about where you are going then you cannot plan how to get there. This also can be the thing that keeps you motivated and pushing on when times get tough, or as we learned in “Mastery,” when you it a plateau.
Habit 3: Put first things First
This is key as we are only given a certain amount of time in a day. You can always make more money, but every person on the planet is given twenty-four hours in a day that we then must choose what to do with. I tend to struggle with my time management. I feel that I get so little done in a day or that I wasted too much time on things that do not matter. By breaking down what are the important things for me to do in a day I am 1. able to better organize my time and 2. Feel more accomplished at the end of the day.
Recently, I changed how I plan out my days. Instead of making a giant list of the things to do today I have created three categories: 1. Fulfilled 2. Want 3. Reward. Category #1: Fulfilled, are the things that if I go to bed without doing them, I will feel the day was unproductive and I will have a hard time sleeping knowing that I wasted time doing other things. Aka, they are the most important of the day. Category #2: Want, are the things that I want to do today. They will not necessarily take me closer to my life Mastery goals, but once I have finished doing my needed tasks then they are my next priority. Category #3: Reward, these are the things that I can do as a break or at the end of the day such as watching my current favorite tv show or reading a fun book. I find that it is important for me to remember to schedule in fun so that I can enjoy it. So far, this method has been working great for me to work towards my goals.
Habit 4: Think win/win
I love this concept because I want to find ways to help others and bring joy to their life. Sometimes this can be a difficult balance when you are trying to bring in your own happiness as well. It takes time to build relationships and trial and error to come to finding those win- win situations.
Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
This is a concept that is need desperately in our day and age. We can better communicate when we hear all the facts or at least what a person is thinking. We are then able to address the direct concerns or errors as we have clearly sought to understand them.
Habit 6: Synergize
Too often people now days have a “me” mentality. This means that they are always focusing on what they can do or what others can do for them. If we change our outlook, we can see that more can be accomplished when we try to uncover what can b down as a group.
My brother has been confirming this truth in his current workplace as they work on coding in groups rather than individually. The work ins done faster and better than if the same people would have worked on it separately.
Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
This too is a concept that I have been more aware of in my life as of late. If I burn myself out, I am not as productive. If I stay up late and get up early, then I am less productive than if I would have gone to bed on time. I recently watched a video of a doctor explaining how the sleep cycles work and how it is a process of repair. That knowledge has helped me to better focus on getting the rest that I need rather than my futile attempts of productivity.