Final Journal

September 6, 2021

Being an entrepreneur is full of risk and reward. It is not an easy path for anyone who takes it. It is most certainly not for the faint of heart. The best thing that you can do to prepare for this journey is to research and find the right people to go on this journey with you. There are main paths that you can take, but there are for certain the more common ones. You may want to start at a larger company and then after some time work to open your own place. Just do what you need to get into that industry and make connections. That is what will lead to success and prevent heartbreak on the way.

                You can also be someone with an entrepreneurial outlook while working for someone else. Entrepreneurs find issues and then creates solutions for them. They are doer and finishers. They do not wait for others to tell them what they should do. Be the type of person to do whatever is asked of you and to do it the best.

                Having a positive outlook on yourself and your potential is key in overcoming the trying times that come with owning your own business. You need to know that you can overcome the hard times and surround yourself with people that will build you up when you fall. The people we associate ourselves with are key and therefore you need to find mentors that will build you up, taking an honest interest in you and your success as a person and an entrepreneur.

                There is no step-by-step guidebook for being an entrepreneur. You can only learn from others that have gone before and have the drive to overcome all the challenges and heartache that life will through your way.