W12 Reflection: Social Media for SEO & Social Networking

Social media is a powerful tool in a business's toolbox. Not only is it great for advertising but it can be revolutionary in building a true brand with loyal followers. The key with social media is knowing which platforms are right for your business If you do a lot of business-to-business work, something like Linkedin would be a good fit. If you are working with the general public you will want Instagram, Twitter, etc.
I love the tools that these companies build into their sites that can be used to expand the business. Meta business suite for Facebook and Instagram is a true game changer. With it, you can plan posts and respond to messages. You don't even need to open the applications.
For I hope to build out my business further on Instagram where I can try out all their tools. Reels will be a great option to make short video reviews, and I can show off all my pictures from my travel.