Week 1 Part A

July 27th, 2021



Lessons Learned


Do what you love!

By doing what you love you are motivated to keep going and to make a difference in the world. You can also learn to love doing something especially if it helps you to do another thing that you love to do.

Great Leaders have great friends!

I often think of friends only in the literal sense, but it can be people from books, TEDTalks, YouTube, etc. Friends are those who help shape your life, so I need to search for those that shape my life in positive ways.

You are not a finished asset!

I believe this works well with my favorite quote of “The moment you stop learning is the moment you start dying.” If we are not constantly, no matter how slow it may be, working to become better than we are becoming worse.

Big dreams motivate action!

That being said, you need to start with the first step. Think of the song “No More Dream” by BTS. Take that first step, do what you love, go against the grain and what others are saying because they are talk and not action. Just like my father was telling me today. Most people are all talk so that when the opportunity comes that they say they want so desperately to take, they let it pass by. Entrepreneurial Heros do not let those moments pass by even if there is threat of failure.

Real Entrepreneurs learn to fail quickly, cheaply, and often!

Failure is a needed part of life; it leads to growth opportunities. People also love seeing others who are successful make mistakes, whether that is to tear them down or to make them more relatable.

Invest time!

Successful people learn to invest their time, not waste it on frivolous things. For me I feel this is something I do always strive to do and sometimes it makes me a workaholic, but there are still ways to relax while still investing in myself rather than further draining my “fuel tank.”



Lessons Not Learned


Create a life plan!

                What is it that I truly want to do with the rest of my life?

  • I do know that I do not want to be the one in the crowd at a concert, but I want to be the one backstage helping to put on the performance. That may or may not be a literal goal. I know that I want to be a part of something bigger than myself.

Wounds fuel entrepreneurial heroes!

I am one of those that feels I have lived too safe of a life sometimes. I have not had many opportunities to fail, and it is frustrating when I am criticized for how poorly I handle failure when it does happen, but that is due to my lack of experience with it.    





My first step!

My first step is to get my degree. I do not know exactly where it will take me, but getting an education is something that I know I need to do.