Week 3 Reflection: A Hero's Journey

August 14, 2021

                A good Hero is one who does not focus on themselves and their own happiness, but instead someone who is motivated by a lifelong calling. “So what does it mean to choose a hero’s journey? It means to live every moment of your life like it matters, because it does.” I love this quote because it gives me motivation to live everyday with purpose. There are many things that can take up our time, mental space, and money. What is important is to focus on those things every day that will get us closer to fulfilling our life mission, whatever that may be.

                “It means seeing struggles as adventures, and setbacks as lessons.” This life is full of obstacles and things that stand in our way. We are going to make mistakes. What matters is that you learn from them and keep moving forward. That is how success is measured. It is not about failing the least about of times. It is about that the reaction you have to adversity. It is about how after every “failure” you get back on the horse and ride another day. Only through those hardships will you be refined. It reminds me of a story I heard somewhere about how a tree that is growing needs wind and rain and the harsh elements around it to cause it to physically change and become stronger. If you were to grow a tree indoors and it never had any adverse weather conditions then it will fail down in the first storm, but if you allow that tree to have struggles it will become stronger. When they grow trees indoors, they can simulate the struggles of the outside world so that when the tree is put out into nature it can be prepared to survive those harsh weather conditions.

                “…trying not to be the smartest person in the room.” I love how this is put. I for pretty much all the years of my life have tried in the least to not look dumb or uneducated, but this sentence led me to ask myself a different question. Do I assume I am or try to be the smartest person in the room? Now I come from a family full of intellectuals with extended family who are tested to be above genius level. This in a way has given me a sense of pride in my knowledge and learning capabilities, but in actuality it keeps me from learning more. Why is that? It is because we truly do have so much to learn from each person. We are not better for having more book smarts. If I let that pride take over my mind, then I will miss vital opportunities to learn from others things I may never learn otherwise.

                “It dawned on me that being world class at something mattered.” There are things that we can do better than anyone else. There are things that we will do or practice just because we love them. If we can find them and further develop them so that they can help us achieve our calling, then we can truly change the world.

                “A calling must serve others. It must matter to you.” Closing the circle, a Hero must focus on others happiness. We must find and develop the skills that we have and can do best so that we can help others. We must take the advice of others and not be the smartest person in the room. We must overcome our struggles to find true success. To do this we must live each day as though it matters. As we keep our eye on the horizon and take advantage of those opportunities that take us closer to that goal, we will find true happiness and fulfilment.