Week 5 Reflection


August 28, 2021

Here are some of the insights I learned from the readings this past week:

Trust People and they will in turn trust you.

                We need to be the first to trust and start building that relationship.

“How can I help them?”

                When meeting people for the first time, and subsequent times after, think about how you can benefit them and not the other way around. In turn as you work to help them, they will trust you and help you in your needs and desires. This is a principal we see in the scriptures. In Alma 17 we see Ammon apply this principle with King Lamoni. The power of service is great!

Delegation is needed!

                This is one thing that I am not the best at. I like to get things done well the first time and every time. Recently, I have been “teaching” my friend to cook, but I am bad at letting her experiment. I am working to find that line between doing nothing, giving direction, and just doing it myself. It truly is important to give people the chance to learn and give them constructive criticism.

Use your energy in effective places.

                You could use your energy to blame others for your lack of abilities. You could also be a good human being and recycle. In this context, recycle that energy you would use to blame others and complain and instead use it to get the work done. Learn what a real battle is. Too often in this world people direct so called “anger” and each other. However, it is not real anger, and they are just wasting their energy and tearing other people down. See ěš± by BTS (song and lyrics in English) and DKDKTV on YouTube of their explanation video.

Accept the Mission and Get Started.

                Learn to be a “Yes-man.” This does not mean be a doormat. Instead, show your superiors that if they ask you to do something that you can and will do it. I had some things pop up this last week at work that I really did not want to do or did not think I should be the one doing them. I thought of excuses like “I don’t have time for this” or “I need to get my own work done.” But my job is to do what I am asked to do, and I was reminded of the “Yes-man” principle in each of these situations and guess what! I did have time and I could do them. I felt so much more accomplished.

Stop talking (thinking) and start acting.

                What a great principle! As I have applied this principle this past week, I have become so much more productive at work. Many times, I get into a rut of I have so much to get done, how will there be enough time. All too often I try to over plan and end up not getting things done when I wanted to, and it becomes a mess. This week I just figured out what I needed to do for that day and started working. When time was running short, I quickly looked to see what could wait and moved it to the next day’s to-do list. Through this I have been successful at taking my former full-time workload and being able to fit it into my new part-time hours.

It is our responsibility to change history!

                I love this quote! It is so inspiring; I have even hung it on my wall. Some may feel great pressure having a call such as this, but I find great determination in it. It is a great motivator to life everyday like it matters and to work to bring change, even in small ways, to this world.