Week 6 Reflection

September 4, 2021

                We all have journeys to take in life. We have people to influence and people to influence us. I have seen the wonderful example of so may people in my life that helps me to want to be better and to help make the world a better place. Through out this class we have received the chance to read three amazing books that have brought new light and knowledge to my mind. I am thankful for the knowledge that these authors have shared with us. These principles are ones that I will truly keep with me throughout my life and share with others on our journeys.

I love that we can have mentors that are not just people in our direct circles. Through the blessing of technology, we can connect with people all around the world and from different backgrounds. This opens fields of knowledge, giving us more opportunities to learn and to share the knowledge we have with others. That can be a big responsibility as we need to share knowledge that will better ourselves and those around us.

Someone I look up to that I feel lives up to those standards is the band BTS. First off, they are full of such passion and drive in their work. I see clips of the band performing with such passion and effort that they need oxygen when they get off stage. I see them performing with slight injuries, but they do not show an ounce of pain when they are on stage. They give it their all and I want a piece of that motivation. I want to be so passionate about something that I can endure hard things so when that dragon in my life comes, I will be prepared to conquer it.

They also work to share their lives with their fans and influencing them for good. They share a message of light and hope. They teach people to love themselves and dismiss the hate of others. Something that is so rare in today’s world. The community, also known as ARMY is one that is admirable with their organizational skills and unity that conquers cultures and borders. These are important skills for individuals, but also to entrepreneurs to learn. As entrepreneurs we must know that we have the skills to succeed and to tell the feedback that is valid for our success. This is especially important because not all positive feedback is good. We learn the most from critical feedback.

There is a big difference between critical feedback and just hate comments. The BTS song “Ugh!” explains the higher degree of this. That being that there are people that are stirred up to anger and direct it in unproductive places, such as the band themselves. The worst part is that people justify it by saying that hate (or more likely envy is the root cause) is just part of being in the position of power. There is a time and a place to critique and have true anger. When we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem.

When climbing a mountain, it is sometimes best to take our eyes off the peak and just focus on the next few steps. Focus on the ones that we can see and know how to do rather than the unknown. I have seen this as I have been able to learn how to code. I would start a project overwhelmed with that needed to be accomplished, but every time I would just take the steps I knew and slowly I would write the code and have it functioning as it should.