Week 7 Reflection

September 6, 2021

                The attitude of gratitude is a needed thing to have in everyone’s life. I have for the past few months started back up writing everyday three things that I am grateful for in my journal before I go to bed. This was a habit that I had started many years ago and had kept up for years till I got out of the habit. I was then challenged by someone to do it (they did not know I used to do it in the past). Since then, I have done it most days and I am thankful when I do.

                I have a kind of toxic relationship with productivity. So, at the end of the day, I tend to be disappointed that I did not do all that I felt I could. By having the chance to reflect on what I am grateful for I can feel more accomplished about what I have done. I am able to take a step back and realize that I have made a difference in the world and in my own life. Some days I just write three things really quick and other days I write paragraphs.

One of my favorite parts about doing this is that I am able to go back later and look at what I have wrote and see how much I have grown. So often in life we get caught up looking towards the future and where we want to be along with all that we have yet to do that we do not see how much we have grown. The older I get the more I realize that I do have so much still to accomplish but look at how far I have come in even that past week, month, or year.